At a time when vintage seems cliché and yet modern is over-poured, Barrel & Fork embraces the past as we fight for the future. We invite our guests to indulge in the whimsical times when bourbon and wine on a Tuesday meant a good start to the weekend. We have built a home where the food stops short of being pretentious and out of touch, and is exactly what you were looking for.
Welcome Home….

About Barrel & Fork
500 Terry Francois Street, San Francisco, CA 94158
Circa 1906, our house became a meeting place for family, food, adventurous cocktails without inhibitions. Fifteen years later, it was a place to protest prohibition and respectful produce some of the best bourbons in the South. Today, this house embraces the vibrance of days forgotten.
20517 N. Main St., Cornelius, NC 28031

Our way....
At Barrel & Fork, our bartenders are chemists and our chefs artists. They are specialists whose approaches are more refined and more detailed than the norm. Barrel & Fork catapults your fork with less mechanics and more melody. It's a sultry low-country palate with a coastal feel like the wind from the ocean.
Don’t be fooled by our 120-year-old bricks, or the pomp and circumstance—we still serve the best chicken and waffles this side of the Mason Dixon line.